What is Order Management System (aka OMS)

Getting your product from your hands into your customers’ hands as efficiently as possible should be the goal of every owner or manager, especially in today’s competitive environment where customer expectations are especially high.
That’s why an Order Management System can be a smart investment. An Order Management System is a useful tool which can make it easy to monitor sales, facilitate order processing, keep tabs on inventory, and make sure the fulfillment process is as streamlined as possible. An Order Management System can provide transparency for the company – and for the customer – about details like where an item is at any point in the selling or shipping cycle.
A well-designed system can track the process all the way from a customer doing their research and deciding to buy, to a product being delivered to them in a timely manner.
The overall concept of placing online orders hasn’t changed much for years, but there are plenty of challenges facing today’s sellers, since this portion must be especially responsive, fast, and friendly – since there are plenty of competitors trying to do the same thing. Sellers also must accomplish this fulfillment by using as few resources as possible, which can include financial and personnel.
CloudStreet can help providers develop an efficient system that focuses on ordering, tracking and fulfillment. It can also help companies find weak points and always seek ways to improve each step of the process. It’s especially useful for manufacturers in the areas of customer goods, IT services, and general industrial sectors.
As a certified Salesforce Implementation Partner, CloudStreet creates opportunities for collaboration with skilled project managers in the U.S. along with an experienced Salesforce development team in India. This isn’t considered out-sourcing, since everyone is considered to be part of one team. Instead, it’s considered a well-structured hybrid on-shore and off-shore approach where clients receive high value by being able to access high-quality expertise.
Challenges that an OMS can help overcome include:
Making sure the sales team is able to use online tools – and explain them to clients.
- Allowing orders to come from multiple channels, as well as multiple inventory sources.
Being able to streamline fulfillment of orders via third party logistics.
Being able to use analytic data to see areas of strength and weak points.
Being able to free up customer service teams to help with priority issues like delayed orders or unsatisfied customers, rather than using them for routine order or reorder assistance.
How an Order Management System works
The role of an Order Management System is to help improve the process a seller uses by offering tools to monitor sales and inventory to get to a customer as efficiently as possible. It provides transparency from start to finish through an assortment of online tools involving accounting, shipping, sales, customer service and IT.
Depending on how a business configures their Order Management System, the system can accept orders as well as digital payments; give detailed invoices; track orders; and make sure orders reach the right destination, whether it’s directly to the purchaser or to a nearby warehouse. They can also provide the ability to track orders and keep an eye on inventory levels of every product, including allowing sellers to set up alerts if an item reaches a certain level.
Modern Order Management System systems like Salesforce OMS are also designed to provide all these features in one place, such as a central dashboard, rather than requiring separate programs and hoping they all communicate correctly, which sometimes could lead to duplicated processes or even some manual solutions.
Customers may not be interested in the details of this process, but they do want to be reassured about where their order is at any certain time, that they’ve been charged correctly, and that it’s properly heading their way.
A well-designed Order Management System can also include several touchpoints where sellers can connect with customers and vice versa, starting with a ‘thank you’ to processing payment and sharing an invoice. Sellers can advise when they should expect the order and let them know how to track it. There are opportunities to offer discounts for future orders or get their thoughts on this experience, which could guide the various teams to improve their processes.
If all goes well, the OMS can help streamline your process and help build loyalty and credibility with customers.
How to choose an Ordering Management System
Each Order Management System can be unique, based not only on the business but different types of industries and customers. This includes what data is shown and even how it looks. When working on creating an Order Management System, some items that can be considered include:
What are your challenges? This looks at your pain points and why you’re looking for something new. What areas do you consider less efficient? What complaints have you received from customers or internally? Do you have too many tools that don’t always sync? Is your old system not as responsive as you wish? Are your orders delayed? Are certain parts taking too long and causing bottlenecks? If orders are incorrect, are there problems providing credit, resending, or adjusting inventory?
What would you like to improve? Creating an Order Management System can be an investment that you want to work well and also be around for a long time. You want something that can scale as your business continues to grow. Getting your team unified on the same mission or missions, even if it’s something like “accurate and responsive orders” is a good starting place. This also looks at your current resources if there are ways to share data, especially with multiple sellers or manufacturers.
What do you want from an Order Management System? Every system can have different capabilities, so this lets you narrow down which options you want to make larger priorities, often based on your current configuration and customer base. What channels do you want people to order from? How will orders get to and from a fulfillment center? How do you want inventory to be managed and who will need this information? At what points can customers track their orders? What shipping capabilities do you offer, and do they need to change? How will you handle refunds? How will you allow secure customer access?
How to compare the Order Management System options? There are a few objective sources out there including G2 from Gartner
CloudStreet’s Salesforce Commerce Cloud coupled with Salesforce OMS can provide all sorts of options, starting with the payments and payment processing portion and ending with delivery to the customer and hopefully their return for future orders. It allows sellers to keep track of inventory levels and also facilitates returns and cancellations.
OMS is just one tool that CloudStreet can provide for clients wanting to improve and evolve their organization through better technology. It also offers a wide variety of solutions for business owners eager to increase sales, improve marketing, boost their digital presence, and improve overall self-reliance – but without the need to significantly increase payroll or add employees. To learn please contact us at cloudstreetservices.com.
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